Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 12th - 15th

July 12th - 2.44 / 1,833.93 - Day off in Jordan

Slept in until 9:00 which felt great! After breakfast I did the past blog update and lounged for a while. Took a walk over to the Culbertson Dinosaur Museum and checked out the fossils, displays, and dinosaur bones. Did laundry, checked out the town, went grocery shopping, and watched some tv in the room. Overall a pretty uneventful day but nice and relaxing. Still waiting for my tire to arrive so I can push on.

Culbetson Museum

July 13th - 0 / 1,833.93 - Day off in Jordan

Today marks the midway point of my trip! My tire arrived today but not until afternoon so I had to stick around town another day since it was about 60 miles to the next town. After putting on the new trailer tire, doing a tire rotation on the bike, and cleaning the bike I headed out for lunch. Took a nice afternoon nap, watched a little tv, and relaxed. Not much to do in this tiny town but it feels good to lounge and relax.

July 14th - 11.41 / 1,845.34 - Another day off in Jordan

Woke up at 6:00 to try to get an early start and cover some miles. The forecast didn't look good but I thought I would go for it anyhow. I got about 5 miles out of town and the head winds made it almost impossible to move forward. That and the storms moving in from the West caused me to turn around and head back to Jordan. I wanted to enjoy my ride and not have to worry and hurt all day. Checked back into my room at the motel and went back to bed for a while. It was another uneventful day in Jordan but the forecast looked good for tomorrow so I go to bed early to get an early start.

The road out of Jordan ( turn around point )

Heading back to Jordan

Lot's of sheep out on the range

July 15th - 103.11 / 1,948.45 - Jordan - Grass Range

Woo-hoo! Finally moving on from Jordan. Woke up early and hit the road shortly after 7:00. It was chilly in the morning but warmed up pretty quickly. I was very pleased that the winds were not against me today. Throughout the ride I saw a lot of antelope, mule deer, prairie dogs, and sheep. Stopped in the tiny town of Sand Springs which consisted of a post office, store, and gas station. ( all in one ) The very kind lady at the store had me sign her biker guestbook and I got a cold gatorade and moved on. I reached Mosby where I had planned to stay but being such a beautiful day and wanting to make up miles I moved on down the road. Stopped at a very clean rest area and met several nice motorcyclists out vacationing. A sign at the rest area claimed that a 40 foot alligator was found in the area that was from the dinosaur age. They call it Deinosuchus. After crossing the Musselshell River another motorcyclist rode along side me for a mile asking me all about my trip. It was fun to ride with someone, motor or not. I came to the top of a large hill and caught my first glimpse of the mountain, a very exciting moment for me! I could also see a lot of smoke in the distance which someone told me was a fire caused by lightning from the day before. After I quick stop in Winnett I decided to push on another 20 miles so I could hit 100 miles for the first time. When I arrived in Grass Range I had 103 miles for the day and this would make the longest bike ride I have ever taken in one day. I set up camp at a gas station/cafe/casino on the small section of grass. I named today the day of the Grasshopper since I must have seen several million and who knows how many I ran over. After a beer and an ice cream sundae I went to sleep. It was a long but very enjoyable and fun filled day!

A lone tree

Ghost town

Many more pine trees along the route today

Beauty of a day!

The ever changing Montana landscape

Rock walls along the road

Very interesting land formations and vegetation

Black shale and pine trees near Mosby, MT


Musselshell River

The rolling hills make for a fun ride when your not fighting the wind

The Judith Mountains in the distance

Horse party

Grasshopper hitching a ride on my water bottle

My campsite at in Grass Range

Montana sunset

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