Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 27th and 28th

Day 27
Woke up early and headed down to Dora's Beale Street Deli.  Dora's donated breakfast to me and it was delicious!  I had a bowl of refreshing mixed fruit, tasty coffee, and a homemade cinnamon roll that was the best I ever had!  Thanks Dora's!!!  After breakfast I headed to the Kingman Powerhouse Visitor Center.  I would like to thank Diane Silverman, Tim Wilson, and Joshua Noble for helping me with lodging, breakfast, museum tour, and some very excellent information both on Kingman as well as my ride going forward.  Thank You!!!  I toured the very awesome Historic Route 66 Museum.  If you are ever in the are I suggest checking it out.  After leaving the visitor center it was close to noon and getting pretty hot.  I still wasn't feeling the best so I decided to get a motel room and spend the day catching up on sleep and relaxing.  It was just what I needed.  Thanks for the room Sherri Bilbro!!!

Starting my section of Route 66

Thanks Dora's!  Breakfast was delicious!

The old days on Route 66  (can only imagine)

That thing on the window is an air conditioner!
( wish I had one for my bike )

Part of a really cool mural in the Historic Route 66 Museum

Thanks Kingman Powerhouse Visitor Center!

Day 28
I woke up at 3:30 in the morning and was on the road by 4:20.  I wanted to beat the heat for my ride to the Grand Canyon Caverns.  As I biked down Route 66 I watched the sunrise over the hills in the distance.  I was passed by many BNSF trains and the temps were in the 60's too start, not bad!  I passed several historic Route 66 establishments and really enjoyed the ride.  The scenery was incredible and very peaceful.  There was very little traffic and a nice wide shoulder, great for bicycling.  There were a number of hills to go over as I gained elevation but the wind was mostly at my back which was very helpful.  I stopped for breakfast in the town of Truxton and then made a water stop in Peach Springs.  From Peach Springs it was just another 12 miles to the Grand Canyon Caverns and Inn.  Frankie Sykes at the Grand Canyon Caverns was very kind and donated me both a room for the evening as well as a free tour of the caverns!  I checked into my room and then headed over to the caverns for the tour.  The tour was very informative and a lot of fun!  Thanks Grand Canyon Caverns!!!  I am now back in my room doing this blog update and planning to get to sleep early for my early rid into Williams tomorrow.  Another fun filled day!

Sunrise on Route 66

Thanks for the room and caverns tour!!!

I may have broke the speed limit

My room at the caverns

Minimum daily water intake

You can rent an awesome room in the caverns for $700 a night

Food and Water for an emergency

Giant Ground Sloth replica
( bones found in caverns )

Thanks for being a part of this with me!

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